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Welcome to North Middleton Impact group!

School years of p5 upto S4

Running times are 7.00pm-8.30pm (North Middleton Village Hall).

We run fortnightly on Tuesday evenings. 

Free to attend

Impact Calendar!

Check out upcoming impact events.

What are we About?

North Middleton Impact is a youth group aimed at meeting the needs of the local community.  As a project this group is for school kids in the school years of p5 up to S4. We are known as Impact and provide a wide range of activities from games to crafts. In addition Impact takes time with the group to explore the Bible and the stories within it.  Impact is a great opportunity for young people to meet others of their own age and develop new friendships on the way.

Image by Chang Duong

Addtional information

Permisson form

Here you can find a link to the Impact Permission form. If a young person attends Impact, then please print out this Form and hand it in at the following group session. The Form must be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian. The Form can also be picked up at our Impact group sessions, please ask a leader.

Volunteer Today!

We run leadership strategy at North Middleton Impact. If you are in S3 and up, then there are leadership roles waiting for you! We will adapt the programme around you, giving you the opportunities and support to develop skills and experiences that will be of great use to you as you move forward in life. There are many different forms this can take depending on whether you are a young leader or an older leader, and you do not need to be a Christian to join the team. So if you fancy volunteering and becoming part of our amazing Impact team, then please get in contact.

Contact Us 


Published by Tyne Valley Parish (Church of Scotland) Scottish Charities No SCO06926

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