Impact Calendar
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What are we about?
Pathhead Impact is a youth drop in for teenagers from around the local village. This group is the first of the Impact project and started in 2019. Impact is aimed at young people who are in school years of p7 up to S6. Young people can come and go as and when they please. Impact provides a wide range of great activities from games, crafts and teamwork exercises. Additionally, there is time when the night the young folk have the opportunity to explore Christianity and the Bible, however, this is completely optional. Impact provides a great opportunity for young people to develop their teamwork and social skills, as well as to connect with others of their own age and develop new networks.
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Permission Form
​WE'RE SEARCHING FOR VOLUNTEERS, JOIN US! We are looking for volunteers to help us run Impact in Pathhead. If you are in S5 or S6 this invitation is extended to you. We aim to develop our volunteers with leadership opportunities and experiences that will benefit them in their life and career; you don't have to be a Christian to join our team. So, if you have time to give and you are ready for new and exciting challenges, then please get in contact.
Here you can find a link to the Impact Permission form. If a young person attends Impact, then please print out this Form and hand it in at the following group session. The Form must be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian. The Form can also be picked up at our Impact group sessions, please ask a leader.